The 7 Hermetic Principles plus the 8th Hidden Principle

The 7 Hermetic Principles plus the 8th Hidden Principle

The 7 Hermetic Principles by The Kybalion the most important occult work!

  1. The Principle of Mentalism: The All is mind; The Universe is Mental.
  2. The Principle of Correspondence: As above, so below; as below, so above. As within, so without; as without, so within.
  3. The Principle of Vibration: Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.
  4. The Principle of Polarity: Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.
  5. The Principle of Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.
  6. The Principle of Cause & Effect: Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause; Everything happens according to law’ Chance is but a name for law not recognized’ There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.
  7. The Principle of Gender: Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes.
  8. The Generative Principle: Care: The “Lost” principle is the dynamic of Care, what we care about on a day to day basis acts as the driving force of our thoughts and actions.Therefore, care can be seen as the ultimate Generator of the quality of our experience. The word generative is derived from the latin verb genere, which means “to create”.

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